Better Finglas is supporting the delivery of the ‘Triple P’ Positive Parenting Programme in Finglas. Triple P is an evidence based programme that gives parents of children aged 2-15 simple and practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children’s behaviour, prevent problems developing and build strong, healthy relationships.
We also offer the Circle of Security programme which helps support and strengthen secure parent-child relationships.
The aim of the parenting strand is: to develop a more cohesive approach to the provision of parenting programmes in Finglas; increase parents’ access to information and support on parenting and child development; and support agencies to develop protocols and policies to enable effective collaborative working. With this aim in mind, both Triple P and Circle of Security are the perfect fit for Better Finglas.
Multi-level Provision
The Triple P system takes a population approach and offers choice through multi-level provision, which includes: ‘Group Triple P’; ‘Discussion Groups’; and ‘Seminars’. Group Triple P offers an 8 week parenting programme; Discussion Groups involve 2 hour workshops on 8 different parenting topics of interest, from “Bedtime Routines” and “Hassle Free Shopping” to “Coping with Teenagers Emotions”, and “Reducing Family Conflict”; Seminars provide once off information sessions on issues such as School Readiness as well as Raising Teenagers, lasting approximately 1.5 hours.
The aim of the programme is universal access so that it is preventative as well as providing interventions. The availability of different levels of the programme contributes to a non-stigmatising approach within the community.
Coordinated Approach
We have trained several practitioners in the community to deliver both Triple P and Circle of Security programmes alongside the Better Finglas team. Trained practitioners represent the following organisations: School Completion Programme; Home School Liaison; Finglas Youth Resource Centre; Cross care; Pavee Point; Tusla Family Support; St. Helena’s Family Resource Centre; The Fingal Centre; Tolka Area Partnership; HSE Clinical Psychology; HSE Community Mothers; Mellow Springs Childcare and Barnardos. This interagency approach ensures an increased knowledge among service providers in delivering a consistent and strategic approach to parenting.
Parents Access to Information
Using the multi-level provision and coordinated approach, families will have increased opportunities to access information on parenting, as appropriate to their needs. This will support and develop families’ skills and knowledge to ultimately improve parent-child relationships and the ability to appropriately meet children’s needs.